Tag Archives: April

Hotel California the Album

Ranking the Eagles: Album #5 of 6: Hotel California (1976) A Dark Desert Highway of Too-Many-Ballads, But Has Its Moments o' Greatness

Not Your Everyday Eagles ‘Best-of’ List

The ‘Hotel California’-era Eagles lineup was hands down, the GREATEST.

Welcome back to “Ranking the Eagles”! It has been a while since my last post on this topic. Here, I will rank all 6 Eagles albums from the 1970s, as well as the songs on each album. Rankings are based on my opinions only, with no sales figures, chart positions, or mainstream popularity holding weight. This week features my fifth favorite album of their 1970s output- good ol’ Hotel California.

Say WHAT? Hotel California only ranks at number FIVE?

#Yup. Continue reading

26 Unique Letter of the Week Ideas For Your Preschooler 30Days, 500 Words #4: Kicking Show And Tell's A-Z Since 2018

Welcome to day 4 of my writing challenge! Today’s post is brought to you by the Letter of the Week. It’s S, for Sunday… night. 😐


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30Thoughts, 500Words, Day 3: ISO: Quora Questions Because Frankly My Dear, One Day I'ma Run Out of Ideas

I. Am. Exhausted. Just sayin.’

I feel you, girl.

This week was crazy, and the weekend’s gon’ be too. Therefore, tonight’s post will likely be simple, straightforward, and likely far from error-free. But I still DID IT. I POSTED. For the third consecutive day!

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30Thoughts, 500Words, Day 2: I’m a Quora Partner! Not 100% Sure What That Means, But Doesn't It Sound Impressive AF?

Welcome! Its currently Day 2 of my 30Thoughts 500Words Challenge, and today I’m discussing the Question-Answer website Quora, and its revenue-sharing invite-only Quora Partners Program.

What is Quora?

Quora is “a question-and-answer website where questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized by its community of users in the form of opinions” according to Wikipedia. Interestingly, however, I lack any recollection of creating a Quora account, a phenomenon that’s been experienced by countless others, I’ve come to find out.

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30Thoughts, 500Words to Better Writing Habits Day 1: The Why, The What, and The WTF Am I Thinking?

30Thoughts, 500Words: The Why

Around four years ago, on a whim, I intercepted and submitted an application to join a writer’s group I saw shared on some Facebook rando’s timeline. Shortly after applying, I was both surprised and thrilled to discover that I had been accepted to join the group! With no writing experience whatsoever, I was now a member of The Mix, an outside-contributor writer’s program run by Hearst Digital Media.

Every weekday, we Mix contributors would receive an email containing the five essay topics of the day. We had 48 hours from that moment to submit a 600-800 word essay on any or all of the day’s topics. If Hearst liked your essay, your byline would end up in one or more of Hearst’s numerous digital publications.

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Queen Au Complet

Champion Cuts: 6 More Lesser-Known Queen Tunes to Know An Additional Sextet of Spectacular Sounds!

Queen onstage in the 1970s.

Last November, I wrote a post celebrating 5 lesser-known (in the U.S.A.) Queen tunes that I absolutely LOVED, in the hopes that you, dear readers, would too. And many of you did!

So I thought, If folks liked those tunes, why not highlight five more? Really, there is no shortage of fabulous Queen songs out there. In fact, I struggled in limiting myself to just five in this post, soooo… I decided to spotlight SIX, instead! Woot!

Oh, and guess who scored Queen + Adam Lambert tickets for this August down in NYC? THIS GAL! 33rd row-center seats, too, thankyouverymuch. Sometimes, when leisurely browsing resale-ticket seats, ya get lucky, ya know? 😉

(And yes, I know that I won’t be seeing the ‘real’ Queen. BUT this is the closest I’ll ever get.)

That said, today’s bloggy musings are brought to you in part to celebrate my recent procurement of Queen tickets. I also wrote this because, well, I just love writing about these guys! Good stuff lies ahead, dear readers, good stuff. Here we go!

Ready, Freddie?

I’ll take that as a yes. Onwards!

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The book Szen Zone

Book Review #4: Szen Zone by Gary Szenderski Enter Szen's Zone, and be the positive change you seek.

Now and Szen: A Synopsis

Szen Zone, the book.

When I first received the book Szen Zone: Reaching a State of Positive Change by Gary Szenderski, admittedly, I thought it was going to be all about meditation-type yoga stuff. I figured I’d basically be learning how to calm the F down in stressful situations, with the goal of freaking out less, and chillin’ out more. I perhaps expected to learn things like breathing exercises, oohmm-ing correctly, yoga poses, etc., with the end result a happier, healthier, less cray-cray Jill.

S2 and me, the perfect portrait of all things Zen, amirite?

However, to my surprise, that was not what Szen Zone was about, at least directly. Indirectly, reading this book did, in fact, lead me to a place of improved calm and increased happiness. However, the discovery of my own personal “happy place” was not due to any sort of “technique” or “exercise” learned in the book. Instead, as I read Szen Zone,  I found myself developing an increased understanding of how to look within myself, as well as out at the world in order to create the positive changes I desired in my life. Reaching said state of positive change is what would then lead me to become what I described above: a calmer, happier, more pleasant overall Jill! The thought is most definitely appealing. Continue reading

Week in Review April 1-April 8: 4 Things I Loved Last Week A Fortnight of Fabulousity, Four Times Over

It’s April, and Much Like Spring, I Have Finally Returned

To start the lovely week, my wonderful husband bought me these flowers.

April showers bring May flowers,
That is what they say,
But if all the showers turned to flowers,
We’d have quite a colorful day!

From April Showers Bring May Flowers, by Karen Chappell

I’m back, and SO glad that April is finally here! March is definitely the longest and busiest month of the year. Or maybe it just feels that way? Continue reading