Tag Archives: teaching

MIR: The Good, The WTF, and The Alt-Good. Welcome to Life, 2017-Style. It's Been A While.....Time to Catch Up.

It’s been some time since I’ve blogged. Over a month, actually. Why? You could say that life has gotten in my way. Or, more specifically, work.

So. Much. Work.

Report card time can be stressful when you service, IDK, about 60ish students, I am learning. Also, dedicating a week-plus to writing up a detailed report on every kid’s progress to the detriment of sleep, family time, and at times, my sanity, has, plainly, sucked. Plus, after finishing all 60 reports, I then had to enter another round of student observational data, or risk falling behind on that. Because you know, after writing 60 reports, writing 47 more narratives is exactly the kind of wind-down activity I long for.

Yeah. It’s been a rough life, these last few weeks. Continue reading

Week in Review: September 2-September 9: The First Week of School! It's The First Week of School! It's The First Week of School!

Yes, the first week of school has cometh. Joy for many parents across the land, I’m sure…..unless those parents are teachers like I am.

Haha J/K

Oh, Alice, I’m sure if I was a rock and roll star, I’d be smiling while sending my kids back to school this week too. 

I love my job. I really can’t complain. It’s not an easy job, and I’ve been moved around more these last few years than many teachers are in their entire career, but at least the powers-that-be always have kept my strengths in mind when moving me. Continue reading

Week in Review July 24-July 30: The Exhaustion Chronicles My First Blog Post! Holla!

What. A(n). Exhausting. Week!

Autumn days are only a month away. But I must ask, where is my summer “vacation”?

Busy, chaotic, and tiring.
What are….three words that describe my last week, Alex?

Though the final week of July felt like it could possibly kill Mike and/or me, now that it has ended, it’s comforting to know that our schedule of demands has eased up quite a bit, at least for the time being. As a result, we as parents are taking full advantage of our increase in free time by simply not.going.anywhere. this week, unless we are actively forced. Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta hermit.  It also feels good to have spent a large portion of today in a seated position, I ain’t even gonna lie.

This first post is my blog debut of the Week in Review segment. Here, I plan to discuss the 3 best parts of my previous week, as well as the 3 worst.
Happy reading, y’all! Continue reading