Tag Archives: Hotel California

Hotel California the Album

Ranking the Eagles: Album #5 of 6: Hotel California (1976) A Dark Desert Highway of Too-Many-Ballads, But Has Its Moments o' Greatness

Not Your Everyday Eagles ‘Best-of’ List

The ‘Hotel California’-era Eagles lineup was hands down, the GREATEST.

Welcome back to “Ranking the Eagles”! It has been a while since my last post on this topic. Here, I will rank all 6 Eagles albums from the 1970s, as well as the songs on each album. Rankings are based on my opinions only, with no sales figures, chart positions, or mainstream popularity holding weight. This week features my fifth favorite album of their 1970s output- good ol’ Hotel California.

Say WHAT? Hotel California only ranks at number FIVE?

#Yup. Continue reading