Tag Archives: March

Week in Review April 1-April 8: 4 Things I Loved Last Week A Fortnight of Fabulousity, Four Times Over

It’s April, and Much Like Spring, I Have Finally Returned

To start the lovely week, my wonderful husband bought me these flowers.

April showers bring May flowers,
That is what they say,
But if all the showers turned to flowers,
We’d have quite a colorful day!

From April Showers Bring May Flowers, by Karen Chappell

I’m back, and SO glad that April is finally here! March is definitely the longest and busiest month of the year. Or maybe it just feels that way? Continue reading

Book Review #3: Organizing For Your Lifestyle by Jane Stoller Stoller is a true Organization Goddess. Read this book, efficiency shall follow.

What They See….

As an elementary school teacher, I have received a number of flattering compliments regarding my ability to create a visually appealing, organized classroom environment and/or an inviting support services office space each school year. Many times, after bestowing such a compliment, my colleague will then follow up with a variation of the following statement:

“Your house must be impeccably neat and organized, too.”


Not quite.

Teachers indeed do work for the weekend, yet we also work ON the weekend. And HOLY RED LEATHER PANTS, Batman. Yikes. Continue reading