Tag Archives: adventure

Book Cover

Book Review #8: Jorie and the Magic Stones by A.H. Richardson Who Run The World? JORIE!

Jorie and the Magic Stones: An Introduction

Book Cover

The cover of Jorie and The Magic Stones

Welcome to my first children’s chapter book review! For my eighth book review, I had the pleasure of reading the story of Jorie and the Magic Stones, an intermediate-elementary level adventure-fantasy chapter book. And what a great story it was! While I am pretty darn far from the book’s target childhood-age demographic, I am still certain young readers will enjoy the story as much as I did! Plus, I have elementary teacher cred. Us teachers know good children’s literature when we read it, trust me. And Jorie and the Magic Stones happens to be just that: good children’s literature. I recommend reading it without hesitation.

Jorie and the Magic Stones can be described as part fantasy, part adventure, and nonstop fun from start to finish! A page-turner from chapter 1 to 43, in two days’ time, I had finished the book in its entirety. And THAT is the mark of a engaging story in my world. The teacher, parent, blogger, writer, and reviewer in me unanimously recommends this book, especially to young adventure-fantasy loving readers, from the ages of 8 to around age 12. Continue reading

Book Review #7: Kitty Hawk and the Curse of the Yukon Gold by Iain Reading Move over, Nancy Drew, there's a new gal detective in town!

A First Foray Into YA

Welcome to my first YA book review! I’m very excited to delve into this popular reading genre for my seventh book review thus far! As a teacher and mom of pre-adolescents, young adult (YA) fiction has definitely been a part of both my work and home life for some time. Additionally, I also choose to enjoy YA books for my own pleasure reading, even though I am obviously not a ‘YA’ any longer! I’m more of a MAA, I suppose. (That’s “Middle Aged Adult” to you. ?)

Therefore, when I was asked to read and review the book Kitty Hawk and the Curse of the Yukon Gold by Iain Reading, I was quite excited to do so! Upon finishing, the story did not disappoint, either! It was a real page-turner from beginning to end. In this book, adventure and mystery take center stage. A generous sprinkling of history lessons top off a plot full of exciting twists and turns, altogether resulting in an engaging read for middle-grade readers and up! Continue reading