Vacation Destination Review #1: Mystic, CT: Part 1 Friday Travel, Arrival, No Rest For The Weary

I know I said before that I’m done introducing new segments on this blog, but I lied. Why? After our family trip last weekend to Mystic, CT, I took time to figure out a way to blog about it without sounding like a fourth grader writing about “How I Spent My Summer Vacation.” Instead of a bunch of pictures with a list of everything we did, I came to the conclusion that writing a destination review (of the area as a whole, rather than specific attractions or hotels) would be the best way to approach the subject matter. This way, perhaps you folks can use some of the travel tips and info I share here when planning your own family vacation! See? I want my writing to serve YOU. Sharing is caring!

This will be a 2-part post, BTW. Enjoy! Continue reading

On Turning 39: I Don’t Yet Feel Bad About My Neck Are You There Middle Age? Its Me, Jill

Age vs. Perception: Turning 39

flickr photo by lokate366  shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

Today, I turn 39 years old.

I certainly do not feel 39 years old, however.

In fact, I still think of myself as a twenty-something, ultra-cool, disenchanted, “fight-the-power,” feminist badass. I mean, I have a nose ring! I love rock n roll! I’m outspoken! Confident! Heck, sometimes, I’m even witty! Continue reading

My Daughters Have A Big Age Gap, And I Love It I'm Guest Blogging on Be Your Best Mom This Week!

Big age gap siblings S2 and S10, 8 Years Apart

S2 and S10 have a big age gap being 8 years apart.

This week, I am thrilled to be guest blogging for the great Milena Barett at Be Your Best Mom Dot Com! My guest post is about loving the big age gap between my two daughters, S10 and S12. This age gap wasn’t planned, but I ended up loving it anyway. Eight is great, indeed! Follow the link below, and I hope you enjoy the read: Continue reading

Songs I Love: The Soundtrack of My Month, August 2016 My Top Five Most-Played Songs Last Month #1

Today, I introduce to you, dear reader, yet another new segment: “The Soundtrack of My Month.” Here, I list my top five most-frequently-listened-to songs of the past month. Additionally, I’ll include some interesting historical tidbits about each tune as well. Plus, a Spotify Playlist of my top five!
Beware: many of these tunes will be “oldies” (some semi-obscure) from the 1960s-1970s.

Because that’s how I roll. Continue reading

Week in Review: September 2-September 9: The First Week of School! It's The First Week of School! It's The First Week of School!

Yes, the first week of school has cometh. Joy for many parents across the land, I’m sure…..unless those parents are teachers like I am.

Haha J/K

Oh, Alice, I’m sure if I was a rock and roll star, I’d be smiling while sending my kids back to school this week too. 

I love my job. I really can’t complain. It’s not an easy job, and I’ve been moved around more these last few years than many teachers are in their entire career, but at least the powers-that-be always have kept my strengths in mind when moving me. Continue reading

Daughter Different: When Siblings Are Polar Opposites They may be opposites, but my love is equally fierce.

When I was pregnant with my younger daughter, I was pretty confident that I’d have this “raising a small person” thing down pat the second time around. I mean, I had raised a daughter, pretty successfully, for the last 8 years! Another girl? This was going to be easy-peasy. Plus, I was older. Wiser, too (so I thought). Heck, I was straight-up walking, talking, Parenting Wisdom. Bow down to my daughter-raising smarts, all ye who enter here.

#HowaboutNOPE Continue reading

All-Star Cheerleading vs. Rec: A Guest Post by My Daughter Not All Cheerleaders Cheer For Boys!

         Today’s post was written by my 10-year-old daughter (whom I refer to as S10). In the post below, S10 explains how all-star cheerleading and recreational cheerleading programs differ. Helping others understand the differences between all-star cheer and recreational cheer is very important to S10. When S10 tells people that she is a level 2 all-star cheerleader, they often assume that she cheers for sports teams. Wrong! Read on as my eldest throws down some knowledge in her quest to educate others about what all-star cheerleading really entails. I can tell you this: all-star cheerleading is certainly not the same cheerleading that I remember from back in my younger days. I hope you enjoy her post!  Continue reading

Rick Nelson, In Concert: The Troubadour, 1969 Old Album, New Review #1

Today, I am pleased to debut my new segment called “Old Album, New Review.” In these posts, for your listening pleasure, I plan to review my favorite classic rock and roll albums of all time. Today’s review focuses on the album Rick Nelson In Concert: The Troubadour, 1969. Continue reading

Becoming Cheer Mom: A Journey to Reluctant Acceptance I'm Guest Blogging on Be Your Best Mom This Week!

Acceptance of My Role As “Cheer Mom”: My First Guest Post

S10 the Cheer Champ.

This week, I am thrilled to be guest blogging about my reluctant journey to acceptance of my role as “cheer mom” for the great Milena Barrett at Be Your Best Mom Dot Com!  Check the link out here (and give her a follow while you’re there!): Continue reading

Week in Review July 24-July 30: The Exhaustion Chronicles My First Blog Post! Holla!

What. A(n). Exhausting. Week!

Autumn days are only a month away. But I must ask, where is my summer “vacation”?

Busy, chaotic, and tiring.
What are….three words that describe my last week, Alex?

Though the final week of July felt like it could possibly kill Mike and/or me, now that it has ended, it’s comforting to know that our schedule of demands has eased up quite a bit, at least for the time being. As a result, we as parents are taking full advantage of our increase in free time by simply not.going.anywhere. this week, unless we are actively forced. Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta hermit.  It also feels good to have spent a large portion of today in a seated position, I ain’t even gonna lie.

This first post is my blog debut of the Week in Review segment. Here, I plan to discuss the 3 best parts of my previous week, as well as the 3 worst.
Happy reading, y’all! Continue reading